China CCC certification / CQC certification
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Date:2021/10/29  Clicks:1766

The new CCC mark system requires manufacturers in 132 product categories to obtain the CCC mark before exporting to the Chinese market or selling in the Chinese market. Products that do not meet CCC requirements may be detained at the border by China Customs and subject to other penalties. Since August 1, 2003, sales outlets and importers are not allowed to purchase, import or sell products without new certificates and with the new CCC mark. Exporters should pay attention to many details when applying for the CCC mark.

As a leading CCC certification consulting company, Certitek will help you quickly obtain China CCC mark certification, from document preparation and technical consultation to complete project management. We provide you with access to local resources in China, including a well-equipped testing laboratory and experienced engineers who have a thorough understanding of the CCC marking system.
The following is a brief description of our services:

1. Pre-assessment
First of all, it is important to determine the necessity of the CCC mark. Just send us the product name, HS Code, short description and pictures, and we will check for you whether your product requires CCC certification

2. Technical Consultation
Products applying for CCC certification must comply with China's GB standards and/or other additional technical requirements. With well-equipped testing laboratories and experienced engineers, Certitek can provide pre-inspection services at the product design level in accordance with China's GB standards.

3. Document preparation
CCC certification requires the submission of a large number of technical documents. Although some ACBs may accept applications and certification materials in English, it is obviously more practical and time-saving to submit applications and certification materials in Chinese.

4. Speed up the CCC certification process
The normal application process for CCC certification is complicated and time-consuming. Certitek will help you significantly speed up the process through our long-term partnership with CNCA, CQC and accredited testing laboratories.

5. Translation during on-site factory inspection and audit.
We can also provide you with a professional Chinese translation during the factory inspection. In some cases, the auditor will ask for a translation, but in most cases, this is a very worthwhile investment. Please contact us for more details.

6. Purchase or print the CCC logo label
After the CCC certification is issued, the manufacturer can buy ready-made self-adhesive CCC mark labels from the CNCA and stick them on the products. CCC certification holders can also apply to one of the printing factories designated by the CNCA to print their own CCC logo labels. Certitek can conveniently handle this issue on your behalf.

7. Follow-up service after certification
Periodic factory inspections are required for manufacturers that have passed CCC certification to ensure continued product compliance. Follow-up inspections are usually carried out every 12 to 18 months. Certitek will maintain close contact with CQC and arrange a suitable timetable for this.

8. Appeals, complaints and disputes
If the applicant has different opinions on the result of the CCC application and ACB, he can file a complaint or appeal to ACB and ask for reconsideration, or file an appeal to CNCA. Certitek provides professional services and has experience in handling various complex cases. 

Add.:Room703、705/7F, Development Building, Tian An Hi-Teck Ecological Park, No.555 North Road Panyu Avenue, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, 511400, China 
Tel.:020 - 39211670   Fax:020 - 39211640